My Meat Sack and Me
My body is the vessel that carries my consciousness. It is one of the primary ways I experience the world. I am interested with how to deepen that experience. How to explore the edges of my physical perception, to expand and immerse myself in it.
I desire to express myself, my consciousness, my inner being through this physical vessel. Though it may not always be representative of who I am, it is a way I can communicate aspects of my being, and engage with others in a shared language. The language of being a human living in a body, however different our bodies and experiences within our bodies may be.
The unique experience each of us live in our bodies creates an opportunity for beautiful art as expressed through how we move in the world. Injuries, pain, chronic illness, disability, fatness - these things do not make bodies lesser, but more beautiful in how they tell our individual stories.
By creating space for bodies to be and move differently, we make an opportunity for listening: listening to the stories told by different bodies with different abilities. We can learn from and love their stories, their journeys.
There is no one way to be in a body. Remove the narrative that there is one way bodies “should” look or “should” move and allow bodies to be and move as they are.
What business is it of ours what other people do with their bodies if it doesn’t directly harm, endanger, or oppress others? We are all doing our best to make it through this life.
Consciousness held within this flesh receptacle. How can we make the best of the limited years we have within this body, and spend less time hating ourselves for being something we are not?
How can we experience this life more deeply through our physical being?