100 Movement Mini-Quests


Hail, traveler. 

Do you seek adventures of the physical body? 

Thirst for thrilling voyages into unknown lands of movement and exercise?

100 Movement Mini-Quests is a collection of 100 movement prompts, exercises, and cues to spice up your movement life. They'll get you stretching, twisting, lifting, bending, and moving in a host of other ways.

All you have to roll a d100, find the corresponding prompt from the list, and begin your movement quest! The quests are intended to be short bits of movement exploration--though they can stretch out into full encounters or even campaigns if you're so inclined.

100 Movement Mini-Quests is an expansion for Arcane Exercise, though you do not need any other books from the Arcane Exercise series to use it.


What is Arcane Exercise?

Arcane Exercise is a system and tool agnostic lens that uses game design theory to simplify the process of understanding exercise-based movement. It uses common TTRPG vernacular, game mechanics, and an old school fantasy aesthetic.

You can buy the Arcane Exercise Core Rulebook in print here: Arcane Exercise Core Rulebook


Includes QR code for digital download

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